
The Brownwood Coliseum was filled Saturday morning with people doing Tae Bo with Billy Blanks to raise money for the military.

Those participating in the event were of all shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds.  There were kids, people over 65, military and everyone in between, not to mention a few expert instructors.  Blanks’ wife Tomoko, local instructors Krista Johnson and Lisa Underwood and other instructors from Utah and Dallas assisted Blanks with the class, working out on stage.

All proceeds raised during the event will go to one of the foundations Billy Blanks created to give back.

One of the foundation’s many projects is sending care packages to U.S. service members in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Billy Blanks has also visited the troops several times to workout with them and encourage them.

“The testimonies of the soldiers are so very touching as they open their packages and realize that we do appreciate and love them,” said Blanks.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”- John 15:13

Pictured above is Billy Blanks teaching the group Tae Bo.  Below are other pictures and a video.

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Marines join in the Tae Bo class.


People of all ages participated, even kids.