For the fourth year in a row, Big Country Ford and Ford Motor Company are teaming up with area high school’s Project Graduation for the DRIVE4URSCHOOL event in an effort to raise $6000 for area Project Graduations. For every person who takes the wheel and test-drives a new Ford vehicle at the Brownwood Coliseum on October 11th, Big Country Ford and Ford Motor Company will donate $20 to Project Graduation. Schools participating in this year’s event are Bangs, Brownwood, Early, May, and Zephyr.
The event, which will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM will feature many vehicles from Ford’s line-up. “Whether you are looking to test out our fuel efficiency vehicles, like the Focus, Fusion, or the CMAX Hybrid, or more interested in a truck or SUV, we will be able to put you behind the wheel of your favorite Ford vehicle,” said Big Country Ford GM Thomas Scull. “This is one of the most important events we sponsor each year. Project Graduation provides the Graduates with a safe alcohol and drug free environment to celebrate their graduation.”
Since the start for Ford’s DRIVE4URSCHOOL program in 2007, more than $20 million in donations have been generated for high schools nationwide, and since Big Country Ford started the event locally in 2011, area Project Graduations have earned over $20 thousand dollars for their event.
This year, for the first time, Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center will be participating. The first 100 test drivers will receive a free vehicle inspection and Quick Lane will donate an additional $10 per inspection. All proceeds from Quick Lane will go to the Brownwood Area Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This money will be used to buy student Bibles and to send area FCA student to camp.
To participate in this exciting event and get behind the wheel of a Ford vehicle, please visit the Brownwood Coliseum between 9 AM and 4 PM on October 11th for Big Country Ford’s DRIVE4URSCHOOL event.
Pictured above, left to right, are Alice Carter, Early; Courtney Owen, Bangs; Brandon Garcia, Brownwood; Jaci Rockafellow, Zephyr; and Dylan Bostick, Bangs.