JohnMelanconBible Archaeologist John Melancon will present several programs involving artifacts from Bible times this weekend at Grace Pointe Missionary Baptist Church of Early.

Melancon will be present at Grace Pointe’s booth at the Early Pioneer Days on Saturday, then will discuss the Bible and his artifacts during a special program Sunday morning at 10 a.m., and during special services Sunday morning at 11 a.m.

The Grace Pointe Missionary Baptist Church is located inside the Early Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Incubator Facility, just off of Hwy 377 past Pate’s Hardware.  For more information, call Pastor Leland Acker at (325) 200-8531.

Melancon routinely visits the Middle East, particularly places of Biblical significance, and participates in archaeological digs. His artifacts not only confirm Biblical truths, but also give greater insight into the day-to-day lives of people in the Bible, thus bringing greater meaning to the scriptures which record their stories and teachings.

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