cinderellacloset2013 Brownwood TX

BHS has collected a total of 65 dresses, available for free to any student needing attire for the upcoming prom.  BHS Senior, Cacy Clements, was in charge of the “Cinderella’s Closet” this year and has helped coordinate the donations that benefit students who don’t have a dress or might not be able to afford one.

“Mrs. Gill has been a big help by keeping the dresses for us,” said Clements, noting that additional student volunteers help out by organizing, making flyers, and taking inventory.

This is the first year at Brownwood High School that the items were offered for free, and the effort was made possible through the NHS (National Honor Society) and the help of sponsor Telise Murray.

“It’s nice to know that people actually care about Cinderella’s Closet and are glad we are here,” said Clements. “As long as we help one person, I am happy.”