
Five members of Brownwood High School Key Club attended the 65th Texas-Oklahoma District Convention, which was held in Dallas at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel at the end of April. Attending the convention was Karina Sanchez, Alexis Garcia, Krystal San Miguel, Lorena Hernandez and Alex Vargas, along with Pam Rider, BHS Key Club Faculty Advisor.

This year’s convention had over 1100 Key Club members in attendance representing over 475 clubs in the Texas-Oklahoma district.

The BHS Key Club entered a total of 15 contests, and earned the following awards/patches:

  • In the top 3 clubs for Distinguished Club/Distinguishing Club Patch
  • Tex-O Key Reporting Patch for On-time Reporting
  • In top 4 clubs for Newsletters
  • In top 3 clubs for Governor’s Project-Kick’n Bully’n to the Curb
  • Patch for Texas-Oklahoma District Project-The Eliminate Project
  • Ranked #16 in the Top 25 Clubs of the Texas-Oklahoma District

In addition, the club’s President Karina Sanchez received the 2013-2014 Leader of Leaders Award for Region 5. Sanchez also received the Doyle Stalcup Scholarship from the Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. for the academic year 2014-2015 in the amount of $1000.00

“I am so proud of the Key Club and all the hard work they do every year and the support that we get from the Kiwanis of Brownwood,” said Rider. “It is a pleasure to work with these students, and watch leaders step up to do whatever needs to be done for our school, community and country.”

Rider, who has been the BHS Key Club advisor since 2007, was honored at the convention with the 2013-2014 Gene Brock Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award for the Texas-Oklahoma District.

“After attending my first district convention, I realized the importance of teaching the club members responsibility, leadership skills, and the meaning of service,” said Rider.  “If it wasn’t for the officers that exhibit such strong leadership skills and the desire of the members to be so heavily involved, the club would not be what it is today.”

The BHS Key Club has received numerous awards and Texas Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation Key Club Scholarships, and actively contributes to several service projects throughout the community including, the annual Kiwanis Club Pancake Supper, HPU Homecoming festivities, the annual Brownwood Community Easter Egg Hunt, Brownwood ISD fundraisers for students, teachers, and staff battling cancer, and United Blood Service blood drives that are held twice a year.

“The Brownwood Key Club has made a name for themselves in their community,” noted Rider. “In the community of Brownwood, if there is a need for help I have found that it is the Brownwood High School Key Club that is called upon because of the strong leaders that hold offices in the club.”

Pictured at top: BHS Key Club President, Karina Sanchez, and Faculty Advisor, Pam Rider hold their awards from the 2014 district convention.

Pictured below are patches earned by the BHS Key Club at the 2013-14 district convention.
