
Brownwood High School HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) student and Area 5 officer, Brady Taylor, attended the annual HOSA LDI conference August 11-13th. Every year HOSA holds a leadership development conference to train the upcoming area and state officers.

At the LDI conference Taylor participated in Leadership development and speaking skills presented by Lowell A. Doringo, the Operations Training Manager for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. Doringo was a 20 year HOSA member, and brought a high level of insight and experience as a presenter.

Along with the leadership training, each area had to develop and present their Program of Work (POW) to the HOSA board of directors. Following the POW presentations, Doringo expressed that they were by far the best presenters of the 7 areas.

At the end of the conference special awards were given and Area 5 received Outstanding POW.

“What HOSA has taught me is leadership,” said Taylor.  “This week’s classes have taught me that I can be a confident speaker.”

Brady and his Area officer team planned the Area 5 Fall Leadership Conference and Area 5 Spring Leadership Conference to correspond with HOSA’s national theme, “HOSA:Lead.”

“Brady represented Brownwood High School exceptionally well this week. Many HOSA advisors commented on how outstanding Brady was,” said BHS Health Science teacher and HOSA sponsor, Annalyn Deen.  “I could not be more proud of our first Area 5 HOSA officer.”

Brady is pictured above second from the right with other area officers.