The Brownwood High School Family and Consumer Science department held its end of year banquet on Monday, May 4th to celebrate student successes in TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) and FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America).

Students were recognized for their accomplishments at the Regional and State levels for both TAFE and FCCLA. Pamela Russell (not pictured) qualified to advance to the National FCCLA Conference which will be held in Washington DC in July.

Pictured above are BHS FCCLA award recipients, (front row, left to right) Lorena Saldana, Haylie Wilkerson, Alyce Goodall, Ashtyn Barnett, Haleigh Stone, and Sponsor Mitzi Cockerham.  Back row, left to right:  Sponsor Connie Sliger Liliana Torres, Amanda Montalvo, Trisha Russell, Zachary Dominguez, Joanna Aguilar, Ashleigh Turner, and Elizabeth Martinez.

Pictured below are the BHS TAFE award recipients, (front row, left to right) Liliana Torres, Delany Bennett, Katherine Bautista, Lorena Lopez, Sponsor Mitzi Cockerham, Nathan Lacy, Joshua Wilbourn, and Casey Shannon.