KalinYoung_AllStateBass2015Brownwood High School A Cappella Choir member, Kalin Young auditioned and was chosen to be part of the first TMEA Small School All-State Choir on Saturday, January 10, 2015.

Young, son of Mark and Joanna Young, is a senior at BHS. In addition to choir, Young has also served as Drum Major for the BHS Band and played in the Jazz Band. Young is currently in the top 10% of the senior class and is also taking advantage of BHS dual credit courses, earning college credits, and getting a head start on college. With plans to attend Texas Tech University next year to major in engineering, Young will be auditioning for music scholarships to help pay his tuition.

Young achieved the coveted 1st chair position for the bass section in the All-State Choir.

Additionally, Chevy Robertson auditioned and was chosen to be the first alternate to the bass section for the TMEA Small School All-State Choir.

Robertson is the son of Michael and Felicia Robertson, and is a junior at BHS. In addition to choir, Chevy is on the BHS Cross Country and Track Teams.

As an alternate, Robertson will be ready to step in and perform should another bass become ill or ineligible. Robertson is currently in the top 10% of the junior class and is also taking dual credit courses.

In order to be chosen for the All-State Choir, students are required to learn songs in different languages and compete in multiple rounds of auditions. Additionally, students are required to sight-read an eight measure piece of music, unaccompanied.

“These students are to be commended for their dedication and hard work toward their goals,” stated Cindy Franklin, BHS Choir Director. “I’m proud of their accomplishments and look forward to their being a part of the inaugural Small School All-State Choir.”

The All-State Choir will perform at the TMEA Annual Conference in San Antonio on Saturday, February 14, 2015.

Pictured above is TMEA Small School All-State Choir member Kalin Young, below is alternate bass Chevy Robertson.
