BFDlogoSmallBrownwood Fire Department has recently been approved for a grant to purchase a new Type 6 Brush Truck through the Texas Inter-State Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) grant.

New legislation this year authorized funds for the Texas Forest Service to purchase Brush Trucks to be distributed throughout the state to assist with needed deployable fire assets during disasters and major incidents.  The Texas Forest Service and Texas inter-State Fire Mutual Aid System developed a 100% (no match) grant program specifically for paid departments.

Brownwood Fire Chief, Del Albright stated, “I applied for the grant and was approved to be one of the first departments to receive a brush truck from the state with this program.”

The date for BFD to receive the truck is undetermined at this time.

In order to receive the truck from the grant monies, there is an agreement with the state to house, maintain, and staff this truck and be able to deploy throughout the state when requested.  The truck can also be used as an additional asset for grass fires within the city, a reserve truck if one of the Booster Trucks is out of service, and mutual aid Responses in the county and throughout the region.

The truck is a type 6 brush truck, similar to that of the truck the fire department refurbished last year.  It will be housed at Central Station and will be an added $100,000 asset to the community.