BFDlogoSmallReports released for the week of July 30-August 4, 2012 from the Brownwood Fire Department include 21 medical emergencies, 3 motor vehicle accidents, 4 fire calls, 1 lock-out and 1 hazardous material call.

Reports of interest include:

Monday, July 30th

*5:58am – BFD responded to a hazardous materials call on the 1500 block of Davis Lane where a resident complained of a strong odor near the HVAC fan motor. The breaker was removed and the occupant was notified to inform the complex manager.

*5:51pm – BFD was dispatched to a motor vehicle accident on the 1900 block of 1st street involving 2 vehicles. Fire crews performed an investigation and enforcement.

*8:41pm – BFD was called to a fire on Center Avenue. Incident was determined to be an unintentional smoke detector activation.

Tuesday, July 31st

*2:14pm – BFD responded to a lock out on 300 Early Boulevard. The Early Volunteer Fire Department and Early Police Department responded to the scene where children were locked in a car. Due to the extreme heat, crews busted the side window open to remove the children from the vehicle.

Wednesday, August 1st

*12:22pm – BFD was dispatched to a motor vehicle accident on the corner of Avenue K and Vine. Fire crews checked for injuries and administered first aid.

Thursday, August 2nd

*5:11am – BFD responded to a fire call on the 1000 block of Center Avenue for alarm activation. After investigation, nothing was found. Crews determined it to be an alarm malfunction, and the alarm was reset.

Friday, August 3rd

*1:58pm – BFD was called to the scene of a motor vehicle accident on FM 45 involving 2 vehicles, 1 of which had rolled over. Crews checked for injuries and administered first aid.

Saturday, August 4th

*1:41pm – BFD responded to a fire call at the 300 block of W. Commerce where the smell of smoke was reported.  When crews arrived on the scene nothing was showing. After investigation, the smell was determined to be coming from the HVAC unit. Maintenance was notified.

*6:06pm – BFD was called to the 300 block of W. Commerce for the smell of smoke. Crews arrived on scene to find all the lights off in the building, and the smell of something electrical burning. Crews searched the attic, but nothing was found. The electrical panel had blown a fuse. Occupants of the building were advised to leave and not return until an electrician could fix the problem.