BFDlogoSmallReports released for the week of September 25-October 1from the Brownwood Fire Department indicate responses to 15 medical emergencies, 2 motor vehicle accidents, 3 fire calls, and 3 rescues of children locked in cars.

Reports of interest include:

Sunday, September 25

*2:43pm – BFD responded to a brush fire in the 1100 block of La Monte where a small grass fire was extinguished.

Tuesday, September 27

*9:23am – BFD was called to help with a power line which was down at FM 2125 & Waco Street. A semi-trailer had pulled the electrical line down.  Verizon was notified of the downed power line.

*5:09pm – BFD responded to a two vehicle accident with no injuries in the 600 block of Center Avenue.

*8:45pm – BFD responded to a fire call in the 2400 block of Elizabeth.  The incident was determined to be an electrical problem.  Firefighters arrived on scene to find no fire showing.  Firefighters could smell electrical wire burning and found the meter in the back yard was melted.  Oncor was immediately notified and the home was searched using the thermal imaging camera.  Smoke was found in the attic but no extensions of the fire were found.  The house was vented.  Oncor arrived and disconnected electricity.

Wednesday, September 28

*3:12pm – BFD was dispatched to a child locked-in a running vehicle at 500 E. Commerce. Fire fighters arrived and unlocked the vehicle.

*3:43pm –BFD responded to a two vehicle accident in the 2500 block of Morris Shepherd Drive.  Firefighters performed basic medical care.

Thursday, September 29

*7:37pm – BFD was dispatched to a child locked inside a vehicle at 401 W. Commerce. Fire fighters arrived and unlocked the vehicle.

Friday, September 30

*9:04pm – BFD responded to a fire call in the 1600 block of Hawkins.  Fire fighters arrived on scene to find a t-shirt burning in a water cooler.  The t-shirt was extinguished.

Saturday, October 1

*3:59pm – BFD responded to the report of a 1-year-old child locked inside a vehicle in the 800 block of Vincent.  Fire fighters arrived and unlocked the vehicle.