angeltrees2011The Bereaved Parents Support Group will hold the annual Angel Tree decorating on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, at 7 p.m. inside Heartland Mall, (in front of J.C. Penney) Early, Texas.

The Angel Tree is a way to memorialize loved ones who have died. The group has grown to over 350 angels to date, but continue to add more daily so this year; two angel trees will be displayed to meet the increased need.

The tree tradition began 15 years ago to honor children who have died, but found a need for others to be able to honor their spouses, parents, siblings, friends, and grandparents. The Angel Tree expanded to honor anyone who has died.

The group offers ornaments free of charge to the public.  Contact LaFreda Kilburn at 325-752-6025 or 325-998-1567and she will make your ornament and place on the tree. Please provide a name, birth date, death date and a picture if available.

The group gathers around their Angel Tree on Sunday, December 9, at 6:30 p.m. to honor their angels in a Candlelight Memorial Service.