A Benefit Spaghetti Lunch and Raffle will be held on Sunday, March 3 at the Santa Anna Armory from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. for Leann Simmons and family.

Schmoker’s Custom Pits has donated a Steak Cooking Pit to be auctioned/raffled off.  Mike and Sandra Stith of Earle Smith Jewelry in Coleman have donated His and Her Watches.

All monies raised with go to Leann Simmons and family to help with medical expenses and care.  Leann was diagnosed three years ago with PNET brain cancer and following radiation and chemo treatments is in remission.  She has been unable to attend school at Santa Anna Junior High School this year due to extreme headaches which doctors are trying to determine the cause of.

Santa Anna friends will be serving spaghetti with garlic toast, salad, drink and dessert for donations.  Accompanying the meal will be good ol’ Christian music and singing.  Agreeing to bringing some toe-patting Christian music are 4 Your Glory from Cross Plains and Jerry and Janet Chastain and Laura Cody, both of Santa Anna.

Leann, who recently turned 13, she is the daughter of Mike and Keribeth Simmons of Santa Anna.