A benefit for the Ernesto Gonzales family will be held at the VFW in Brady, Texas on Saturday, November 8th.
The public is invited to support the family by attending the benefit. A lunch consisting of BBQ plates for $5 will be offered at 1:00 p.m. at the VFW Hall in Brady. This will be followed by live music and a DJ from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Gonzales’ brother and his band, “Back Row Sinners,” will be playing original songs and covers. There will be a $5 cover charge. Organizers will also be selling menudo and there will be a small auction. Donations are also appreciated.
Ernesto Gonzales, Jr. passed away on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 at the age of 34, in Brownwood and leaves behind his wife and six children ranging in age from two to sixteen years old. All proceeds will benefit the family to help pay for his funeral and other expenses after his sudden and tragic death on Sunday. Funeral services for Gonzales were held on Friday.
Those who cannot attend the benefit but wish to support the family may make a donation through a GoFundMe account that has been set up. CLICK HERE to make a donation online.