ACSRelay4LifeThe 2013 Relay For Life of Brown County is currently accepting sponsorships for this year’s event set for June 7-8 at Gordon Wood Stadium. Funds raised from the annual event will go towards patient
services for Brown County cancer patients and survivors.

Businesses, civic organizations and area churches are encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity to give back to the community, which include:

• Celebrate Sponsor $1,500: Companies who chose this opportunity will be sponsoring the Survivor Lap Ceremony and will be recognized during the Survivor Celebration, have their company banner in the survivor’s tent, company name and logo prominently displayed on event programs and event T-shirts.

• Remember Sponsor $1,500: Companies who chose this opportunity will be sponsoring the Luminaria Ceremony and will be recognized during the Luminaria ceremony, have their company banner placed in a prominent location at the event, company name and logo prominently displayed on event programs and event T-shirts.

• Fight Back Sponsor $1,500: Companies who chose this opportunity will be sponsoring the Fight Back Ceremony and will be recognized during the Fight Back Ceremony, have their company banner placed in a prominent location at the event, company name and logo prominently displayed on event programs and event T-shirts.

• Gold T-shirt Sponsor $1,000: Companies who chose this opportunity will have their company logo displayed on the participant T-shirts, company name listed in the event program and company banner displayed at the event.

• Silver T-shirt Sponsor $600: Companies who chose this opportunity will have their company logo displayed on the participant T-shirts and their company name listed in the event program.

• Bronze T-shirt Sponsor $300: Companies who chose this opportunity will have their company logo displayed on the participant T-shirts and their company name listed in the event program.

• Cancer Fact Signs $100: Companies who chose this opportunity will have their company’s name on one of the 25 cancer fact signs that are available, which will be placed around the track.

For more information, contact Jared Trowbridge at (325) 642-2598, Jana Jackson at (325) 998-2698 or Amanda Leija at (979) 219-1980.