Meeting of the Board of Directors, Tuesday February 10, 2015 at 4:00 PM at Water District Office, 501 East Baker, Brownwood, Texas.

To Discuss, Consider, Advise and\or Take Formal Action in the Following Items:

Meeting Agenda

1.         Call to Order;

2.         Pledge of Allegiance;

3.         Invocation;

4.         Approval of Minutes of meeting held in January 13, 2014;

5.         Approval of claims and accounts report;

6.         Approval of investment and financial reports;

7.         Citizens Presentations: Any citizen desiring to address the Board of Directors regarding a matter not included on agenda may do so at this time.  The Board of Directors may not      deliberate on items presented under this agenda item.  To comply with the provisions of    the Open Meetings Act, the Board of Directors respectfully requests that prior to addressing the Board, each person submit a citizens presentation form located at the entrance lobby, stating your name, address and topic of presentation.  All presentations are limited to five (5) minutes time limit;

8.         District’s Legal Counsel shall administer Oath of Office to Lake Patrolman, Ollen Trey Weathermon, and execute corresponding documents;

9.         Review Land Appraisal Report and approve redetermination of annual rental rate for lots 24, 24A at Peninsula Subdivision, Lake Brownwood;

10.       Discuss and take necessary action regarding proposals from Collier Consulting and APEX Geo regarding underground water in the Trinity Aquifer;

11.       Update and discussion regarding Zebra Muscles in Texas;

12.       Hear General Manager report regarding current events, projects and current lake conditions;

13.       Adjournment.