Monday morning, Brown County Commissioners unanimously approved Brown County Sheriff’s Office request to trade in 15 old and high mileage vehicles in order to purchase a new 2011 Chevy Silverado pickup at a lower net price.
Recently, the BCSO purchased a new transport van that has the capability of removable seating which makes it able to serve a dual purpose as a tactical van as well.
Aaron said that the BCSO considered having the vehicles publicly auctioned; however past auctions have only brought approximately $300/vehicle. After speaking with Rick Newton of Bruner Chevrolet, a bid from a wholesaler came in at $20,000 for all 15 vehicles. With consideration of this as the trade in amount, along with the bid assistance of $6100 Brown County receives, the net amount needed to purchase the 2011 Silvarado would amount to just $5917.52 versus spending the invoice price of $31,875.
Aaron explained that the net amount was available in the BCSO’s Chapter 39 funds which are monies from seizures. This purchase would not affect any of the county budget funds. Typically the BCSO requests four new vehicles and cycles out older high mileage vehicles each year. With this purchase, Aaron explained that BSCO would only need to request the purchase of two vehicles in the coming year.
While speaking to the court, Aaron also reported the jail count was currently 179.
In other matters on the agenda:
*Commissioners unanimously approved appointing Jamie Matson as Successor Director of the Violence Against Women Act grant. Matson will replace Keith Madole who resigned due to medical issues. Valorie Williams will continue helping as co-director of the grant. The VAWA grant provides for personnel, supply and training monies. The personnel expenses remaining for the year will be split between Matson (65%) and Williams (35%). County Judge Ray West noted that this appointment will not affect Matson’s current position in his office as the grant work takes place after hours.
The grant has been used to create a community task force which will better educate the public about violence against women. This task force will is to be composed of teachers, law enforcement, representatives from the Ark Domestic Violence Shelter, representatives from the Family Services Center, and a representative from the Child Welfare Board.
*Commissioners approved a monthly salary increase for the next five months for Misty Petty, an administrator in the County Extension Office. The reason given for the increase was to pay Petty for the extra work that she has performed while two extension agent positions have been vacated. Petty has taken on extra tasks, driven out of county at her own expense, and worked many times after hours to help finish tasks usually taken care of by extension agents when the office was fully staffed. Because back pay is not allowed, the court agreed to reward and repay Matson by approving a $150/month raise temporarily through April 30, 2011. This extra expense is within the county extension office’s budget due to the salary not being spent while these positions were vacant.
*Commissioners approved the renewal of the Texas County & District Retirement System at a 6.57% rate increase over last year, which was presented by Ann Krpoun. This approval will allow the county to keep the county’s retirement fund active.