
Bangs High School competed in the Region 1 2A Regional OAP competition held in Odessa, TX on April 19, 2013 and is now advancing to state.

Bangs High School performed “The History of Tom Jones,” by Dennis M. Maganzas.  The play is directed by Shannon Lee.

The state competition will be held on May 21-23, 2013 in Austin, TX at the University of Texas campus. Jim Ned High School’s OAP also advances from the region competition.

Bangs High School OAP cast and crew are pictured above.

Front Row:
Christopher Freeland-Captain Blifil/Highwayman/Servant Mike
Chandler Hancock-Miss Western/Servant Karen
Mackenzie Calloway- stage manager
Emalee Blankeship- alternate
Kylie Allen-Harriret/Servant Monica
Kassidy Adams- Sophia Western/Servant Cindy
Halle Romero-Lady Bellaston/Paula

2nd row:
Kady Kyle-Bridget/Honour
Emily Drosche-Wilkens/Innkeeper’s wife/Bellaston’s maid
Trent Cofresi-Judge Dowling/Tom’s Horse/Servant
Daniel Malette-Thwackum/Innkeeper/Hangman
Amelia Hubbard- crew
William Roberts-Henry Fielding/Squire Allworthy
Max Chandler-Square/Squire Western’s Horse/Fitzpatrick
Kyle Locke-Partridge/Sophia’s Horse/Servant Deen
Kylynn Shumate-crew
Zach Marney-crew
Leah Shae Gibson-Jenny Jones/Mrs. Waters
Mason Reichenau-Squire Western/Servant Jim
Andrew Quintana- Tom Jones

(Not pictured- Matthew Jackson- crew, Becca Fuqua- alternate)

Photo contributed.