
The Bangs High School yearbook The Dragon has been honored for its accomplishments in yearbook design and coverage and recognized by Balfour Yearbooks.  The Bangs High School yearbook is featured in the 26th edition of YearbookYearbook the marketing publication for Balfour Yearbooks.

Yearbooks published by Balfour for the 2011 school year were evaluated in one or more of the following areas: theme development, layout design, photo content, secondary packages and cover design.  For their outstanding yearbook achievement, Balfour features approximately three percent of yearbook staffs in YearbookYearbook.

“Being featured in YearbookYearbooks is an honor, but it goes beyond that,” Jeff Moffitt, key accounts and education manager said.  “Yearbooks staffs across the country use YearbookYearbook as a reference tool.  They look at the books featured in it for inspiration, creative ideas, cool techniques and new trends.”

The theme for the 2011 Bangs book was The Big Bangs Theory.  The cover which was designed and created by senior editor Katie Vernon and assistant editor Victoria Hardin is what Balfour chose to feature.  Assistant senior editor Esther Roberts also help with the theme design.

The Dragon is sponsored by Leesa Stephens.

Pictured at top (left to right):  Senior Editor Katie Vernon, Leesa Stephens-Advisor, Victoria Hardin-assistant editor