
Three teams from Bangs High School will compete in the Texas Computer Educators Association (TCEA) State Robotics Contest in Deer Park on Saturday, April 12. Students from all school classifications across Texas will compete in this contest.

Marissa Carbajal, Kira Nichols, and Jordan Coronado will compete as one of 40 teams in the Advanced Invention Category.  In the Inventions Contest, teams create and develop a unique robotic invention that will solve a real world problem. The teams approach their problem as a team of engineers working together to solve a common problem using the Engineering Design Process. This Process is a particular course of action and sequence of operations intended to achieve a result or produce an outcome.

The 2013-2014 TCEA Mindstorms Robotics Challenge arena game is entitled “Rubble Trouble” and is designed around the theme of Urban Search and Rescue. Bangs has two teams competing in a field of 45 teams In the Advanced Arena Contest. Christin Cooper and Paige Batteas make up one of the teams while Caleb Rudloff and Cody Curty compose the other team.

The Robotics Program at Bangs High School is directed by Larry Fischer.

Pictured at top is the Advanced Invention Team of Marissa Caracal, Jordan Coronado, Kira Nichols & Cassie Pena.


Team 1: Christen Cooper & Paige Batteas


Team 2: Caleb Rudolf, Cody Curtly & Wyatt Michael.