BangsHSHomcomingQueen2016Homecoming 2016 for Bangs High School was scheduled for September 16, 2016 during the football game against Cohoma.  Unfortunately, the weather had other plans and rained out the game and the Homecoming Queen ceremony as well. The Homecoming Queen Coronation Ceremony was rescheduled during halftime of the October 7th football game against Coleman.

The Bangs High School student body chose Miss Ryli Pruitt to represent them as their 2016-2017 Homecoming Queen.  Pruitt was one of four nominees from the senior class, which also included Alli Allen, Kennedy Deal and Kaily Wolf.

Ryli is the daughter of Denise Pruitt and granddaughter of Ecky and Glenna Allen.  Ryli was escorted by her grandfather, Ecky Allen (pictured above). Bangs High School congratulates Ryli and wishes her all the best during her senior year and Bangs High School.