ArtAssociationLogoThe Brownwood Art Association is excited to present at the BAA “First Thursday”, 5-8pm, September 6th, an art exhibit featuring art association members and the “Stay Creative Collective”.  The Collective is a group of young adult artists in Brownwood who promise to provide a visually and mentally exciting exhibit for your enjoyment.  The Collective includes artists Tommy Munster, Ashley McLaughlin, Kelsey Duvall, Molly Gore and R. J. Barnett.

The art association members provide a large exhibit of paintings using a wide variety of mediums as well as featured paintings in a heritage collection of well known artists.  Join us at the art center to enjoy the art and meet the artists while having a glass of wine with cheese and crackers.  The art center is located in downtown Brownwood at 215 Fisk.

The art association opens the doors the first Thursday of each month showcasing a variety of Brownwood Art Association member artwork along with a special exhibit by invited artists. Artwork on display is available for purchase.  Please contact Melanie Naylor at 647-8543 with any questions.