Brownwood News – The National Transportation Safety Board recently issued a preliminary aviation accident report on a February 20, 2020 plane crash in Coleman County that claimed three lives, including the pilot from Brownwood.


On February 20, 2020, about 0600 central standard time, a Beechcraft, B200 airplane, N860J, impacted terrain near Lake Coleman, Texas, in open ranch land. The pilot and two passengers were fatally injured and the airplane was destroyed. The airplane was registered to TLC Air, LLC and operated by Lauren Engineers & Constructors, Inc. The flight was conducted under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, as a cross-country flight.

Instrument meteorological conditions prevailed and a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan was filed for the flight.

The flight originated from Abilene Regional Airport, (ABI), Abilene, Texas, and was en route to the Valley International Airport (HRL), Harlingen, Texas.

A preliminary review of air traffic control communications with the pilot revealed the airplane was cleared for takeoff from Runway 35L, shortly afterwards the pilot was instructed to climb to 12,000 ft and was then cleared to climb to FL230.

The pilot reported to the controller that they encountered freezing drizzle and light rime icing on the climb from 6,400 ft to 8,000 ft.

As the airplane climbed through 11,600 ft, the pilot reported that they were having an issue with faulty deicing equipment and needed to return to the airport. The controller instructed the pilot to descend to 11,000 ft and cleared them direct to the ABI. The flight was then instructed to descend to 7,000 ft and asked if there was an emergency. The pilot responded in the negative and stated that they blew a breaker when they encountered icing conditions, and that it was not resetting.

The controller then instructed the pilot to descend to 5,000 ft and to expect the ILS Runway 35R approach. The controller then instructed the pilot to turn to a heading of 310. Shortly afterwards the controller asked the pilot if they were turning to the assigned heading; the pilot responded that they were having issues with faulty instruments. When controller asked the aircraft to report their altitude, the pilot reported that they were at 4,700 ft. The controller then instructed the pilot to maintain 5,000 ft. The pilot responded he was “pulling up”. There was no further communication with the pilot.

Preliminary review of the airplane’s radar track showed the airplane’s departure from ABI and the subsequent turn and southeast track towards its destination. The track appeared as a straight line before a right turn was observed. The turn radius decreased before the flight track disappeared.

The airplane impacted terrain in a right wing low attitude, followed by the right engine, then left engine. The wreckage path was on an initial heading of 320°, and continued for about 570 ft. The wreckage was highly fragmented and spread-out along the wreckage path.

At 0552, the automated weather station located at ABI recorded wind from 040° at 7 knots, 10 miles visibility, broken clouds at 900 ft, broken clouds at 1,400 ft, overcast clouds at 3,100 ft, a temperature of 14°F, dewpoint of 41°F, and an altimeter setting of 30.34 inches of mercury.