Representative Mike Conaway is the Chairman of the Defense Financial Management and Auditability Reform Panel. In that capacity he noted that DOD has taken positive steps towards achieving audit readiness, but that more work must be done.
Rome is burning and Congressman Conaway wants to make sure the fiddle is properly tuned.
Representative Conaway is also a proud co-sponsor of a bill to reimburse rural veterans for travel expenses to VA hospitals. Laudable. Our vets deserve the finest medical care. But instead of finding an efficient way of truly helping them—like letting them get treatment at local civilian hospitals—Conaway wants to expand the government bureaucracy and create another entitlement. He says he wants to prevent further defense spending cuts, beyond the $465 billion already announced by President Obama that resulted from the failure of the doomed Super Committee, yet he voted for the bill that established the constitutionally questionable Super Committee in the first place. In doing that he sanctioned the very cuts he’s now fighting against!
These Byzantine maneuvers are just two examples of Congressman Conaway’s “going along to get along.” There’s no leadership here, no bold actions to reverse the fiscal and security calamities facing us. Just grandstanding.
Chris Younts will introduce bills that take on the hard issues. He’ll cut real spending, not just the amounts of increases. He’ll eliminate, not just trim the budgets of departments and agencies that interfere with free enterprise and encroach on our liberties
Above all, Chris Younts will aggressively fight to reverse policies—like giving our defense secrets to Russia and playing games with the Keystone Pipeline—that weaken our national and economic security and give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Gerald A. Ellison
San Angelo, TX