R East Pigging 131The gas flare that many have seen just east of Bangs (pictured left) is one method used by Atmos Energy to ensure the integrity of their pipelines.  Atmos is currently testing approximately 52 miles of pipeline between Ballinger and FM 1849 just east of Bangs.

One of the processes being used on this section of the line is called “pigging” according to Atmos officials.  Pigging is a process using swabs that are pulled through the inside of the pipeline by gas flow to first clean it.  After this swabbing, electronic instruments are then sent through the line to check the integrity of the system.  Should a problem such as a blockage or anomaly be discovered, Atmos is then able to have crews dig up and repair the problem.

According to Ron McCullough, Operations Supervisor, the process is in the cleaning phase.   Because the summer gas load does not create enough gas flow to pull the swabs down the line, additional load is created with the help of the flare.  The flare stack is a 60 foot tall stack that burns off the natural gas with a clean burn, which emits no smoke.

The integrity testing of this system will take approximately two weeks to complete without interruption to customers, residential or commercial.

If for some reason there were an interruption of service due to a repair or loss of pressure, Atmos has a backup plan.   Although problems are not anticipated, Atmos has made preparations with trailers that are equipped with high pressure cylinders of compressed natural gas (CNG) stored in Brownwood to help keep pressures of the lines up and running in the surrounding area.  There is even a main meter which measures all of the gas going through the area giving Atmos the ability to compare to totals of the actual customer usage, to know if there is any lost and unaccounted for gas (LUG).

Officials of the company state, “Atmos Energy is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of its systems and supplying a clean, safe and reliable product to its customers.”


Trailer with Compressed Natural Gas Cylinders


Supply Lines and Meter