Brownwood News –  The Brownwood City Council on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, gave unanimous approval to authorize expenditures of up to $27,000 for repairs and asbestos abatement at Fire Station 2 in south Brownwood.

According to the City of Brownwood, on April 15, 2019, it was determined that the flaking paint inside the living quarters of Fire Station 2 contained asbestos, but the paint in the engine bay was not tested.  A second testing company was hired and confirmed the paint and texture on the walls inside the living quarters, and in the engine bay, contained more than 1% asbestos.  Firefighters were moved out of the building.  Their temporary living quarters are at the Brownwood ISD field house.

In his presentation to City Council, Brownwood Fire Chief, Eddy Wood, went over the tests done, the costs for repairing the problem and the time table to get firefighters back into the station.

  • Budget Breakdown
  • Abatement oversight-$6,000; Abatement and engine bay painting -$12,500
  • Potential State fees-$800; Potential Disposal fees-$350
  • Paint and caulk in living quarters -$4,000; Plywood and door -$500
  • Clean HVAC ductwork -$1,000 Contingency-$1,000
  • Total project estimate – $26,150

Once work begins at the fire station, it should take about four days to complete the abatement.  Wood hopes firefighters assigned to Station 2 will be able to move back into their facility by August 1.