JessicaArellanoAnnouncementJessica Arellano graduated from Tarleton State University’s College of Business Administration (COBA), on May 14, 2011. Arellano received her Master of Science in Management & Leadership (MS M&L) degree and was one of 39 graduate level students graduating from TSU at its annual May commencement. TSU, a part of the A&M System since 1917, is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Mrs. Arellano is the daughter of Bill & Tammy Hopkins of Early, TX and Andy & DeeDee Lee of Brownwood, TX, and is married to Ben Arellano.

She graduated from Brownwood High School in 2002 and earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Management degree at Tarleton State University in 2007. She began her Master’s Program in August 2009. Arellano graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.80 and received the TSU College of Business Administration (COBA) Outstanding Graduate in Management and Leadership Award for her accomplishments and contributions to the program.

She has been involved with several organizations including both the Brownwood Kiwanis Club and the Brownwood Chamber Ambassadors. Mrs. Arellano manages Andy’s Pest Troopers, Inc. in Brownwood, TX.