Howard_Payne_logosmallFifty-five students from the area received honors at Howard Payne University (HPU) for the spring 2011.

Brownwood natives Amanda Ashby, Matthew Bullock, Juanita Cardenas, Heather Cooke, Ennis Davila, Mary Dyess, Jessica Ferguson, Hannah Gramling, Maitreyee Nigalye, Adrian Norway, Chelsey Revay, Tracer Skelton, Raquel Spencer and Barbara Tiner were named to the President’s List. Jessica Acker, Sarah Cooke, Kelsey Duvall, Jeffrey Edmondson, Samuel Gonzalez, Stephanie Gutierrez, William Hamilton, Joade Harris, Houston Holmes, Kerri Jones, Matthew Lowrey, Michael McClure, Ashley McLaughlin, Tiffany Minshew, James Nance and Matthew Roddam were named to the Dean’s List. Lauren Jones, Audrey Lasserre, Michael Lowrey, Erin Pennington and Kristi Ramirez were named to the Honor Roll.

Early natives Regina Elliott, Kelli Ezzell, Murselle McMillan and Stefani Williams were named to the President’s List. Tony Aaron, Lauraleticia Alvarado and Mark Parker were named to the Dean’s List. Amber Paskewitz was named to the Honor Roll.

Bangs natives Jensen Knickerbocker and Amanda Wilburn were named to the President’s List.  Samantha Bly and Seth Pitman were named to the Dean’s List. Ruben Fuentes, Tina Fuentes, Dennis Simons and Kristen Simons were named to the Honor Roll.

Blanket native Mary Vasquez was named to the President’s List.

Brookesmith native Destiny Allgood was named to the Dean’s List.

Zephyr natives Ciera Culpepper and Abby Wood were named to the President’s List.

A total of 239 students were named to academic honor lists at HPU. Ninety-six were named to the President’s List, 97 to the Dean’s List and 46 to the Honor Roll.

Students must earn a 4.0 grade point average to be named to the President’s List, a 3.65-3.99 grade point average to be named to the Dean’s List, and a 3.5-3.64 grade point average to be named to the Honor Roll.