
The National Day of Prayer was observed by Brownwood area citizens Thursday morning at the Lehnis Railroad Museum.

The theme for this year’s National Day of Prayer is Matthew 12:21 “In His name the nations will put their hope.”

“Our Nation needs everybody to get on board and pray that God will come and heal our land,” said Pastor Richard Couch of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.  “This is a one day event, but the people of the United States of America need to pray every day for our country and its leaders.”

Local pastors and chaplains offered prayer for the nation, its leaders, military, law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, churches, and families.  Those offering the prayers included Pastor Bob Smithson of Abundant Life Church, Pastor Lyn Rice of Hillcrest Baptist Church, Chaplain Dan Chapman, Pastor Sterling Lentz of First Christian Church, Chaplain Dave Fair of Texas Chaplain Association, and Pastor Kelly Crenshaw of New Beginnings Pentecostal Church.

Music was provided by Stephen Goacher, Professor of Music at Howard Payne University and Jerome Smith of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

Students from Victory Life Academy attended the event and also led the audience in the pledges to the U.S. Flag, Christian Flag and the Bible.

Emcee and organizer Richard Couch stated that prayer for the nation was very important, as it was founded on Christian principals; however more and more, the nation is turning from those founding principles.

“Our nation has turned from God, we have abortion clinics that kill babies,” said Couch.  “If God doesn’t judge America, then he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.”

Chaplain Dave Fair encouraged students present to continue to pray for the future.

“Even if in the future this National Day of prayer doesn’t continue, take time to thank the Almighty, and to pray for our nation,” Fair said.

The history of the National Day of Prayer was also presented by Couch.

Millions of people across the country participated in the observance of the 62nd annual National Day of Prayer.  Organized events for the National Day of Prayer are being held in thousands of public venues across the country where intercession is being made for America and its leadership.

In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.

Pictured above is Pastor Bob Smithson leading the prayer for the nation.  Below are other photos from the event.


Stephen Goacher plays the National Anthem.


Victory Life Academy students


Chaplain Dave Fair encourages audience, particularly students, to continue to pray for the nation.