AngeliaBostickThe Brown County Republican Women’s Club will host their monthly luncheon featuring Angelia Bostick as the guest speaker at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 8th, at the Brownwood Country Club.

Bostick is the Executive Director of Good Samaritan Ministries.  Good Samaritan Ministries has begun collecting donations for their annual Christmas Boxes and

members are asked to bring green beans, cornbread mix,  pie filling (no pumpkin), cake mix or frosting or a cash donation may be made.  A donation of $30 to Good Samaritan Ministries will feed a family.

Members will be voting on the 2014 BCRW Officers during the meeting.

Attendees do not have to be a member of Brown County Republican Woman to attend.

Cost of the luncheon is $12 per person to be paid at the door.

Please RSVP Grace Hefner at or 325-642-6705 by Wednesday, November 6th.