Here we are in the third week of school. As we work through the rough days that mark the beginning of every year, we are also learning about our students just as they are learning about us. This is a time of transition and recovery as students and teachers alike work their way back into a routine and setting goals.
In this journey of discovery, I have already learned a great deal about my students. For example, some of them don’t believe me when I say I am 119 years old. In fact, according to a couple of kids, I don’t look a day over 50. (Good thing, since I am NOT over 50!)
The kids have learned that I love to read and I talk about my family often. I have learned that many of my students don’t like to read. (I admit, not much of a surprise!) We have learned that we all have a pretty good sense of humor. Every day I find reasons to laugh and so do they.
I have also learned that kids are busy little folks. I have heard so often in the past three weeks that they “don’t have time” to do their homework on those rare occasions when I actually assign it. My homework is generally to read each night and finish what is not completed at school. Oddly enough, many students have difficulty remembering what it is they are doing that keeps them from reading their library book at night!
On the home front, I have learned that sophomore boys are stranger than ever. My oldest son came home telling me he had an “English joke” to share with me. Being an optimist, I encouraged him to share this joke. Here is his joke: “What do you get when you cross a stupid person with a person who was born in the year of the Ox?” Answer: “An oxymoron”. Ok – I know. You can groan now.
Every year I am surprised by my students and my own children at home. My young son came home and during our nightly discussion of our days he informed me that, for the first time ever, recess and lunch were not his favorite events of the day. That day, he decided reading was his favorite class. This mother’s heart just swelled with pride. Then he showed me the book he is reading – full of cartoons! It’s a start! My youngest daughter, the academic, has suddenly been stricken down with the giggles. She informed me quite seriously that school “did it” to her.
Many of my students don’t seem to understand the need to bring their books to class. A couple wanted to know why we have to read so much in my class. I pointed out that I do, in fact, teach reading. Yes, they said, “but, still…”.
However, all the growing pains notwithstanding, I am pleased to report that I have the best students in town. (No offense to those not in my classes!)
Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and recently earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. She will begin working on her PhD this September. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 15 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!