AgriLifeExtensionAlthough Snow White might have a different opinion on apples they are one of the most nutritionally valuable fruits for consumers. Apples also happen to be one of the most cultivated and consumed fruit in the world and by the many different varieties offered at the local groceries stores one can see why.

As with any other fruit in which you consume the peel be sure to wash the outside of your apple thoroughly before eating. If you prefer to cut your apples up be sure to wash them before cutting as cutting into the apple can spread any contaminants from the outside inward. Consuming the peel with your apple is the best way to get the most fiber and antioxidants.

Apples are high in dietaryfiber and antioxidants. Dietary fiber helps prevent the development of certain diseases and can also help control cholesterol. Diets high in fiber help reduce body weight and help keep a healthy bowel. Antioxidants have a multitude of health benefits including heart health.

Apples come in a variety of colors and sizes. Red apples contain anthocyanins which act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage and keep our hearts healthy. Green apples contain lutein which helps keeps eyes healthy.

The best time to buy apples in Texas from Texas orchards fall between July and November. Because Texas is such a large stare there are quite a variety of differences in climate so crops may be ready at different times.  If you’re interested in picking your own apples visit for more information.

About the Author:  Bridget Bean is an Extension Program Assistant and Better Living for Texans educator with the Brown County AgriLife Extension office.  Bridget may be reached at 325-646-0386.