KeepBrownwoodBeautifulLogoKeep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) has kicked off its aluminum can collection challenge.  Throughout the month of October, KBB will be competing in a nationwide challenge to see what community collects the most aluminum cans.

“Our campaign is Preventing Litter to Prevent Litters,” said Cary Perrin, KBB’s Program Coordinator.  “We are colleting the beverage cans for money and hope to win additional prize money.  These funds will go to assist the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center’s spay/neuter program.” 

There are four aluminum can collection sites for the month of October.  In front of Small Animal Clinic by the traffic T, the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center, the Recycling Center on FM 45, and at 1111 Willis Street.  These drop off sites are for aluminum cans only.

The development of the can originated around the early 1800s. However, the use of aluminum in beverage containers did not debut until 1965. The aluminum can is the most valuable beverage container to recycle. Making new aluminum cans from used cans takes 95 percent less energy than using virgin materials.  Twenty recycled cans can be made with the energy needed to produce one can using virgin ore.

There are five categories KBB will be honoring.  They are most cans collected by: 1) a business; 2) an individual; 3) a church; 4) a school; and 5) a City of Brownwood Department. If you plan to compete in a category, contact Cary Perrin at 641-0533 (leave a message) or send an email to

“KBB wants to promote and encourage recycling, as well as help our community become a better place by decreasing unwanted litters of puppies and kittens,” added Perrin. “Recycling is not only beneficial to our environment but it can also be fun.  We want to encourage folks to make recycling an everyday, natural activity.”

Do your part this month, you CAN recycle your aluminum cans for a good cause and show the rest of the United States that Brownwood cares.  Join the challenge.