Brownwood News – Texas Country Air, an Airstream RV Urban Air Rally, returns to Brownwood October 24-27, 2019. This unique Urban Air Rally features the iconic aluminum travel trailers camping around the historic Brownwood Depot and the general public is invited to visit.

One of the largest Airstream Urban Air Rallies, Airstreams from all over the US and Canada will set up camp in the downtown area near the depot, participate in seminars, and enjoy entertainment.  The Brownwood Chamber of Commerce will have schedules of events and local area businesses will participate as well.

The 2019 theme is Spook TCAular with over 100 Airstreams expected. Seminars scheduled so far include: Vintage Trailer Valuation, RV Waste Management, the southwest and travel artistry of Elizabeth Jose, and an open house allowing the community get a peek inside these wonderful RVs. All events and seminars are open to the general public to attend.

You can find out more information, schedules and updates on the TCA Facebook page:, or contact the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce for more information.