AgriLifeExtensionA special 5-hour CEU Forage Seminar is set for February 7th at the First Baptist Church in Cross Plains. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. The program begins at 9:00 a.m.  The goal of this program is to provide producers with information on forage management strategies to help them produce uniform, high quality forage to meet their production goals.  Speakers for the Seminar will include: Dr. David Drake, AgriLife Extension Agronomist – San Angelo, Dr. Chris Sansone, AgriLife Extension Entomology Specialist – San Angelo, Ricky Young, Farm Loan Manager & Michelle Kayga, Loan Officer, FSA, Bill Thompson, Extension Economist   San Angelo, Dr. Charles Hart, Extension Range Specialist- Stephenville and Jan Hatler, Texas Department of Agriculture.

Dr. Drake will discuss” Wheat varieties for this area & evaluating forage hay quality”; Chris Sansone will discuss “Droughts effects on Insects for this year’s small grains and forage crops”; Ricky Young and Michelle Kayga will discuss “Financial Assistance available for farmers & ranchers”; Bill Thompson, Extension Economist will discuss “Coming cost/price squeeze on replacement cattle”; Dr. Hart will discuss Brush Control during drought & herbicide techniques & calibration”; Jan Hatler with the Texas Department of Agriculture will be on hand to give an hour of Laws and Regulation for pesticide applicators.

The cost of the Seminar and accompanying meal is $15 to those that pre-register by February 3nd, after February 3nd there will be a $20.00 fee to be paid at the door. This program is presented by the AgriLife Extension offices in Brown, Callahan, Coleman, and Eastland Counties. For further information, contact the Callahan County Extension Office at (325) 854-5835.