McAnallyWilliamRayAccording to a press release Monday, Bangs City Administrator Leo Smith announced that Publics Works Director Willy McAnally resigned effective 9:00am April 2, 2012.

Smith continued to praise the job McAnally did while employed with the City of Bangs.

“Willy did a fine job while he was the public works director,” said Smith.  “Whatever led to the events concerning this are no longer a concern of the City of Bangs.  It has always been the city’s policy to serve the taxpayers and residents with the best possible services, an on a positive note, the city will continue to do so.”

Bangs Mayor Eric Bishop also made a statement regarding the resignation of McAnally.

“As we worked our way through the process of finding out details of Willy’s situation Friday and over the weekend, Willy decided to resign and no longer works for the City of Bangs,” said Bishop.  “It troubles me deeply to see people in our town stoop to the level of political cheap shots as happened in the hours following Willy’s arrest.  No matter what the outcome of this case which is in the legal process, this is a horrible tragedy and I just encourage our community to pray for the families who have been affected by this.”


Willy McAnally (pictured) was arrested on sexual assault charges based on a warrant from Terrell County Friday morning.  McAnally remained held on $100,000 bond at the Brown County Jail as of Monday morning.

Related Article:  City of Bangs Publics Works Director Arrested Friday