ArtAssociationLogoThe Brownwood Art Association will begin offering weekly “Acrylic Classes for Beginners” starting this Thursday, April 11th at the Art Center from 6-8 PM.

The instructor is Jonathan Ceniceros, a graduate from Howard Payne University with a degree in Art Communication.  He is also all level art certified. Jonathan has participated in local shows including the Comanche Pow Wow, Coleman Fiesta de la Paloma and the Brownwood Stars of Texas Show. He has also participated as a demonstrator in the Stars of Texas Art Show for the past several years. Jonathan is a local Brownwood artist and an active member of the Brownwood Art Association.

According to organizers, the acrylic classes for beginners are a great opportunity to discover your artistic desires and your hidden talents in a non-threatening atmosphere.  Paint with others who will be able to motivate and give you encouragement while you learn to paint with acrylics together.

The cost of these classes is $10.00 a session plus a supply list.

To sign up for class or further information please contact Melanie Naylor at 325-647-8543.



Basic colors to purchase

  • Burnt Umber
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cadmium Yellow Light
  • Alizarin Crimson Permanent
  • Titanium White

Other useful colors *Optional*

  • Yellow Ochre
  • Raw Umber
  • Ivory Black
  • Cadmium Red
  • Phthalo Blue

When purchasing paints it is better to buy fewer or smaller tubes of paint that are better quality.