Congressman Conaway’s recent performance at the Pachyderm Club was disappointing. He came across as petty, arrogant and condescending with his childlike complaints about the spelling of his name and accusing Chris Younts of going a few seconds overtime in his presentation. Most disturbing, however, was the content of his replies.

He claimed he opposes increased spending and will continue to do so, but he gave no examples of spending measures he’s voted against. The truth is he voted for the bailouts, for increasing the debt ceiling and has a poor record regarding earmarks. He gave lip service to the need to curtail spending but when challenged made the silly statement that opposing everything would mean shutting down air traffic controlling and FDA meat inspections, as if they’re the reason we’re $15T in debt.

He said nothing about reforming or shutting down useless, wasteful, duplicative and counterproductive governmental departments and agencies. As long as he’s been in Congress he must know of some. He made no mention of shrinking the size of the federal government. He did say, though, that if we leave him in Congress long enough, he may someday become chairman of a committee and have power. We can’t wait any longer for him to represent his constituents, rather than pursue his self-serving agenda of a lifetime in Congress.

Conaway says he’s done a good job as our representative in Washington. His lack of courage, passion and will disproves that claim. We need and deserve someone who’s willing to get out of his comfort zone, fight for real change and permanent cuts in the size and expense of government. San Angelo businessman, Chris Younts is the man for the job. He’ll take his West Texas values to Washington, and not forget the people who sent him there.

Ken Casper

San Angelo, TX