BeachChairOk. I have to tell you…those little stools in the school cafeteria are not made for sitting on for hours at a time. Just saying.  For the 15 minutes it usually takes a student to inhale  -er – eat lunch they are fine. For the long haul, however, it is a different story. Teachers, luckily, are flexible and able to find ways around everything.

You see, this week many teachers from the district are meeting for additional training in the use of our online curriculum. Where are we meeting? In the high school cafeteria. Trust me when I tell you those little stools are not good on the back or the hindquarters! Luckily, teachers are a creative breed – able to solve problems and overcome obstacles in a single bound!

Today, many teachers showed up with lawn chairs – the nice, big comfy chairs. Those stools attached to the cafeteria tables do, apparently, make good footstools. I admit to laughing out loud as I looked around the room and saw teachers with feet up, computers in their laps, a pen in one hand and a cup of soda or water in the other. There was much laughter and joking about the chairs…the pillows for sitting…and comments made about NOT falling asleep.

Yes, Virginia, teachers DO have a sense of humor.

We have to!

Amidst the flurry of information and discussion and papers and PowerPoints and analysis – there was always laughter. I was once again finding myself grateful to work with people who can laugh in the face of adversity and strife. Through creativity and humor and intelligence, these professional educators find ways to make what is uncomfortable more easily borne.  This is not only true for workshops, but is also true in the classroom and in life. I’ve seen teachers facing personal tragedies, but still always managed to smile for their kids in the classroom. I’ve seen teachers take a problem and turn it into an opportunity. Teachers have a unique way of looking at the world. Where others see obstacles, teachers see a learning moment. Where others see impossibilities, teachers see opportunities to succeed. Where others see failure, teachers see a chance to try again.

I am lucky to be working with such inspirational individuals.

For now, though, we have one more day of training. We’ve been discussing it and have decided that tomorrow, not only will we take our chairs….but perhaps an ice chest, a table top grill, and some burgers or hot dogs.

Tailgate party, anyone?

Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and recently earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. She is now working on her Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Walden University. Married with four children who attend Brownwood schools, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 15 years. Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!