
The Early City Council named Tony Aaron as the new city administrator after a unanimous vote of the Early City Council on Monday evening.

Aaron will start in the position, according to Early City Mayor Mangrum, “Whenever we can get him here and get Ken (Thomas) retired.”

Aaron, one of two finalists for the job, stated he was excited about the new position, “I feel really, really good.”

Aaron grew up in Brownwood and graduated from a small private high school.  He joined the Army National Guard in 1991 and served 2 years, then served in the Reserves until 1999.  He earned his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Howard Payne University in 2011.  Aaron completed his master’s degree in Public Administration in May of this year through Sam Houston State University.

Aaron has been in law enforcement since 1997, having worked for the Comanche County Sheriff’s Office for one year and has worked for the Brown County Sheriff’s Office since 1998 where he currently serves as Captain.

His position as captain for the past six years has been mostly administrative with plenty of paperwork, according to Aaron.  He stated that being in an administrative position with BCSO has been good preparation for the job as city administrator.  He’s “been behind a desk just trying to help others do their jobs better,” he said.

The transition from law enforcement to a “desk job” Aaron stated has been a concern for him, as he has a passion for law enforcement, but felt his current position has prepared him for the change.  His biggest decision, when applying for the job, was accessing if he could put down the badge.

“It’s going to be hard; law enforcement has been a great passion of mine and will always be there.  You never really get rid of it.  That was the hardest decision, to not put on a badge and a gun every day for a living,” Aaron said.

He stated that his wife Jennifer is really excited about the possibility of Aaron being the city administrator.

“She has been very supportive throughout this and all of my law enforcement career and she will remain supportive through this.  She is just real happy,” said Aaron. “We’re looking forward to new challenges and new adventures.”

Aaron stated that several years ago he started on his college experience and had a classmate that got him thinking about “the bigger picture of city administration” and he knew at one point in the near future that the current administrator was going to retire.

“We’re really vested in the City of Early.  My family lives here and we have come to love the community and the people who live in it,” said Aaron.  “I’m just glad to be a part of it and be offered the opportunity to make a difference.”

Pictured above, Aaron shakes the hand of Early Mayor Bob Mangrum after the council meeting.