Written by Ben Cox – A tradition instituted this season by Lions Football Coach Sammy Burnett continues this week in an effort to feed his players not only physically, but spiritually as well.
Friday morning, starting at 7 a.m. the Mens Ministry at First United Methodist Church, across 10th street from the high school, will host the entire Lions football team and their coaches for a home cooked breakfast.
Following the meal, former Lions coach Ken West will address the students and staff. This will be an opportunity for Coach Burnett to hear from a former mentor, as he played under West during his time as a Lion.
Jay Clark, leader of the FUMC Mens Ministry, says he is proud to be part of this new tradition and enjoys the connections to FUMC that tie this all together. “Sammy (Burnett) worked for Coach Glen West at Brenham, who is the son of Coach Ken West, who goes to church here. Glen started the program (in Brenham)as a way to get kids into the church once a week. It’s just a tool to get them in the building and maybe something will stick.” Coach Glen West left Brenham this spring after 20 years for a role at the Texas High School Coaches Association.
When Coach Burnett started the program in Brownwood, Clark says “he put Coach Brad Bowden in charge of it. Coach Ken West coached Sammy, and Coach Bowden coached me his first time around with the Lions.”

Mens Ministry leader for FUMC Jay Clark stands by the church kitchen which will be hopping Friday morning as they feed a hungry Lion football team
Clark jokes that the meal at FUMC may also have contributed to the beginning of the Lions winning streak. “We fed them the Graham week and got the winning streak going, so hopefully we can work some magic and keep it going!”
Clark hopes to serve the team once more this year, in the post season. Several churches have taken part, including Coggin Ave Baptist, Austin Avenue Church of Christ and First Baptist are just some of the other churches that have fed the boys this year.
Clark, a former coach himself, says he hopes this is more than just a meal for the boys. “If it’s just hot food on plates, we are not taking advantage of the opportunity. I guess that’s a little bit of the old coach in me; you get an opportunity to change something, to influence something, to make it better, you’d better take advantage of it.”