1stRibbonI have made no secret about how I feel about technology. I love technology. Using it in the classroom, while it can be occasionally frustrating if the technology is not cooperating, is usually quite rewarding. So allow me a moment to brag on my students.

Over this past six weeks we have been working on persuasion. We looked at the different types of persuasive techniques, we found it in writing and in ads, and wrote persuasive papers. The topic of their papers was to persuade me that their favorite place was, in fact, the BEST place and that I should want to be there, too.  Once the steps in the writing process were complete, they typed their papers and saved them to a special folder. Now their papers are on a tiny little flash drive. Much easier to carry. As a final project, they are now creating ads using the computers and various programs online and in the software on the computers themselves.

I want to tell you, these kids are great at this stuff! I have learned so much about how to make these programs do what I want them to do! Yes, the kids and I are teaching each other. I can hardly wait to put some of their projects onto my school website for everyone to see and be amazed. They are having a great time, demonstrating their ideas and understanding of the concepts, and my paperwork is very small. I tell you, it’s a win-win!

This is my brag: my kids are awesome! They are doing such a great job with their movies, their posters, and their music. There is original music composed by my students that shows a great creativity and originality. I’ve seen some very cool poster ads and slide shows. I tell you, they are brilliant.

I just came back from a technology conference, and was gratified to see many tools recommended are tools I already am using in my classes. A few weeks ago I went to our campus media specialist and convinced her to work on a very large multimedia project with me. We are currently building it, and planning it. I’m telling you, based on the results of this project I am seeing now, I expect BIG and AMAZING things from my students.

When I was a student, we did not have computers. Well, we did get them when I was in 9th grade…but they were these giant, one-piece IBM monstrosities that had nothing but BASIC programming on them. That is what we learned. Since then we have seen those huge, clunky machines morph down into the thin, lightweight, portable tools such as laptops and smart phones and pads.  They are fast, they are fun, and the kids know exactly what to use them for: everything. Want a new book? Download it. Want to play a game? Log on. Send a message? Twitter or Facebook. Need to calculate something? Find an app. On our drive back from the conference, we learned from one member of our group that there is actually an app that will tell you which restroom is a good one based on a five-star rating. Who knew??

As we watch our legislature work to shave the dollars in our budget, I wonder what will happen to the technological needs districts across the state now have. Based on what one member of that political body said at the conference, I expect we will see some major changes in education. In case you haven’t caught the story – our state is about to cut the education budget. Drastically. Everything from public education and textbooks to college funding.

In the midst of my bragging on the amazing work my students are doing, I feel a frisson of fear as I watch the decision makers in Austin juggle numbers and use their own red pens to cut things out of education. I have been sending emails, and I know many others have, as well. If you have not, then please do so – tell them we don’t want our education dollars taken away – our kids need the things that money provides.

I’ve been fortunate enough to see what can be accomplished by students who have the tools and the educational support they need. I’ve got the proof in my flash drive. These are some amazing young people, and they are deserving of more from our state – not less.

If you want to see proof of the wonders my students are, just check out my school website! I’ll be adding their stuff this week! Prepare to be amazed….


Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and recently earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. She is now working on her Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Walden University. Married with four children who attend Brownwood schools, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 15 years. Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!