MissionPossibleKidsFoodDrive2013“Mission Possible Kids collected & donated more than 850 pounds of food to then Food for Thought Program! That’s enough food to send home with more than 100 students in Brown County schools. What an incredible job Mission Possible Kids did and what a creative way to share that missions work begins in our own backyard,” said Misty Bowers, Program Manager for Good Samaritan Ministries.

Mission Possible Kids conducted food drives in their neighborhoods, at Brookshire’s, Soccer for Fun, and at First United Methodist Church for the Food for Thought Program.  Food for Thought program is dedicated to improving the lives of Brown County children by providing backpacks full of kid friendly, shelf stable food to chronically hungry or food insecure students over the weekends and holidays during the school year. Children enrolled in the program are referred by the school faculty or staff.

Mission Possible Kids is nonprofit dedicated to empowering kids to change the world through helping others. For more information or to join Mission Possible Kids, contact, Randee Green, Children’s Ministry Director of First United Methodist, 325-643-1555.

Photo contributed.