fitbyfaithlogo1. Plan ahead. Decide if this will be a treat day since it’s a special occasion and plan which treat you’re going to have depending on where you are relative to your goals. If you’re maintaining, you may decide to have a glass of wine plus a small dessert. If you’re trying to lose weight then opt for one or the other.

2. Don’t skip meals. Thanksgiving Day is no different than any other. Don’t overcompensate for Thanksgiving calories by skipping meals that day. If you’re starving by the time dinner is served, you’re more likely than ever to overeat.  Also, when you skip a meal, your metabolism slows down and stops burning efficiently so all those calories you are eating will not burn which will naturally lead to weight gain.

3. Remember your portion sizes. A portion of lean protein is the size of the palm of your hand, a portion of starchy carbs is the size of your fist. Fill your plate with very small portions of everything and then if you are still hungry, go back for more, but most likely, you won’t be.

4. Make healthier choices. Pick white meat over dark, choose dishes that aren’t covered in rich sauces, fill your plate with vegetables and pass on the butter for your dinner roll. Don’t be afraid to offer to bring your own dishes to a host’s house to ensure you’ll have something you enjoy eating. If you do indulge in a dish that’s not healthy, try not to serve yourself a large a portion.

5. Eat slowly. It takes a whole day to prepare this delicious meal, don’t rush through it in ten minutes! Be mindful of how fast you are eating – enjoy each bite and chew properly. It takes twenty minutes for your stomach to register that it is full, so if you eat too quickly your body can’t tell you it’s had enough until it’s too late.

6. Limit your alcohol. Alcohol not only lowers your inhibitions, making you more likely to overindulge, it also provides you with a lot of unnecessary calories.  I prefer my calories to come from food!  I always choose water for Thanksgiving so I can enjoy more food :o).

Be thankful for your health and have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Krista Johnson is the owner of Fit By Faith Fitness Center which was established in October of 2006.

She is the mother of 4 children ages 18, 13, 10 and 6 and has a passion for helping others get in shape from the inside out. Krista is a walking testimony having lost over 100lbs and has successfully kept it off .

During her weight loss, she had a vision of creating Fit By Faith.

She believed she was to change the atmosphere of the gym and create a different environment for people to work out in. Krista is a former High School Theater Arts teacher and is currently attending college to obtain her B.A in Sports Medicine.

She holds certifications as Personal Trainer with the International Sports Science Association Tae Bo® fitness instructor (Certified by the creator Billy Blanks) Group Fitness Instructor for Adults, Children and Seniors SilverSneakers® Muscle Strength & Range of Motion for Seniors Black Belt 1st Dan in the art of Tae Bo Kwon.

She  maintains her certifications annually through continuing education classes and training camps and requires all her instructors at Fit By Faith to do the same.  She also competes in races and other competitions regularly.

Krista has appeared in 3 Tae Bo® infomercials on national TV Shape, Collage Video, Looking Good Now and Christian Living Magazines Several times in the Brownwood Bulletin Newspaper.

She has also been featured on several websites such as The Fitness Zone, The Biggest Loser, ivillage as well as the Billy Blanks Website. Krista has been a motivational speaker at many churches and radio stations.

Krista and her husband John, who is co-owner of Fit By Faith, both have hearts to help others to feel good, to be healthy and strive everyday to serve more people in this manner.