2010RodeoParadeAs June fast approaches, so do the events and activities associated with the 48th annual Brown County Rodeo.

A major component to the rodeo each year is the annual rodeo parade which will travel through Downtown Brownwood. This year’s parade is scheduled to begin on Saturday, June 11th at 10:00am.   Participants in the parade should begin lining up at 8:30am for award judging at the Brownwood Coliseum.  Awards will be presented for best in-town float, best out of town float, riding club awards, best decorated vehicles, best antique vehicles, best horse drawn vehicles, and best bikes/unicycle. Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes will also select one entry for the Mayor’s Choice Award.

There is no fee to enter the parade.  Entry forms are available at www.browncountyfairandrodeo.com/ or www.brownwoodchamber.org.  Deadline for entry is Thursday, June 9th and forms may be returned to the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce office at 600 E. Depot Street.

The 48th annual Brown County Rodeo will take place June 9, 10, and 11 at the Earl Q. Wilson Arena.   This year’s rodeo is produced by Terry Walls and features Slim Garner as this year’s rodeo clown and Randy Turner as announcer.   The Brown County Rodeo Dance will take place Saturday, June 11th at the Brownwood Coliseum and will feature headliners the Josh Abbott Band and the Zack Edwards band.

For more information, call the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce at 325-646-9535.