volunteertrainingjan17Press Release – Imagine you are a child, in a house full of strangers. You have been taken from your home, your school and everything you know. Sometimes, things were scary at home or you were alone for much of the time, but right now you wish you could go back because it’s the holiday season and you don’t know or have a connection to anyone around you. You could really use someone who was on your side.

This is where CASA steps in. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate. This person is a trained member of the community, volunteering their time, who is assigned to a specific child or case. They are the one constant individual that a foster child sees throughout the process. The goal of a CASA volunteer is to find a safe and permanent home for the child or sibling group and to make sure all of the child’s needs are met, whether physical or emotional. A CASA, with the help of their supervisor, does their own investigation into the case and makes recommendations to the judge on the child’s best interest and is a voice for the them in court.

Michelle Wells, Executive Director for CASA in the Heart of Texas recently stated, “The holidays are oftentimes a very difficult season for children in the foster care system.  Being apart from their own family and participating in family-focused celebrations can be very isolating and serves as a reminder of what they most need – a safe, permanent, nurturing home.  For some children that may mean reunification with their parents or placement with extended family members. For others, that means placement with an adoptive family.”

“The children need someone to be their voice and to advocate for permanency,” Wells said. “Time is of the essence as there are children in our community that desperately need an advocate as they navigate the legal and child welfare systems.”

The number of children entering the foster care system in our area is increasing as the weeks go by. Our goal is to make sure that these children all have an advocate assigned to them in order to insure that their needs and best interests are being looked out for. Unfortunately, at this time there are not enough advocates to meet the demand. The need for quality volunteers has never been more urgent than it is today. By becoming a CASA volunteer, you will be a part of a team working to make sure that these children have the very best chance of living in a safe home where they can thrive.

CASA in the Heart of Texas will be holding a training course for volunteer advocates starting Tuesday, Jan. 17th. If you have interest in becoming a CASA advocate, please call (325) 643-2557 or E-mail casa@familysc.net.

CASA in the Heart of Texas is located on the second floor, inside the Family Services Center. CASA offices in Brownwood advocate for abused and neglected child in Brown, Comanche and Mills Counties. For more information on the CASA program, visit www.casabrownwood.org or visit us on Facebook at CASA in the Heart of Texas, Inc.