
1 – Deadline to RSVP for Awards Banquet

2 – Deadline to turn in Project Completion Forms

8 – Awards Banquet at 4-H Conference Center

8 – Deadline to Enter West Texas Fair and Rodeo

9 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office

13 – Show Feed Program 12:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns

15 – Deadline to Order State Lamb and Goat Tags

17 – Deadline to Enter State Fair

19 – 20 – Brown County 4-H JR. Rodeo at Blanket Arena


The 2010-2011 Annual Awards Banquet is set for August 8, 2011, 6:30p.m. at the Texas 4-H Conference Center. The cost for this year’s Awards Banquet meal will be $10.00 a plate.  If you are receiving an award you do not have to pay for a plate, parents and any other family members who plan to attend will have to pay the $10.00. We are needing pictures from the 2010-2011 4-H year for a slide show to be shown at the Awards Banquet. If you have pictures please have them to the Extension Office by August 1st.  If you are planning to attend the Awards Banquet the deadline to RSVP is August 1st.  If you have any questions or need more information please contact the Extension Office.


If you are interested in filling out an Project Completion form for the 2010-2011 4-H year they are available at the Extension Office. The Project Completion form is a form that you can fill out for any of the projects that you completed in the 2010-2011 4-H year and by filling it out you will receive an award at the Annual Awards Banquet which will be held on August 8th. The forms will need to be turned in by August 2nd to the Extension Office. If you would like more information about the Project Completion form please contact the Extension Office.


It is that time again!! If you are planning on showing a Lamb or Goat at any Major Stock Show such as Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Austin, San Angelo, or Houston you will need to purchase state tags. The cost of the tags are $10 per animal. The deadline to order tags is August 15th. You can order tags by coming to the Extension Office or calling.


It is that time already to start thinking about stock shows. The fall stock shows that are coming up is West Texas Fair, State Fair, and Heart of Texas Fair. The deadline to enter into the West Texas Fair is August 8th, deadline for State Fair is August 17th, and the deadline for Heart of Texas Fair is September 9th. The entry forms are available at the Extension Office. If you have any questions please contact the Extension Office.


Do you want to learn about the newest show feeds available, Stock Show updates / Show Schedule changes / Quality Counts Certification, feeding training and care of your show animal? This is the program just for you! On August 13, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. there is going to be a Show Feed Program at the Youth Fair Barns. It is open to any youth and or parents in 4-H or FFA. There will be a catered BBQ meal provided for free of charge. If you are interested in attending the program please RSVP to Finch Ag Supply by August 8, 2011.


The Brown County 4-H Jr. Rodeo is set for August 19-20, 2011. The Junior Rodeo will be held at the Blanket Arena in Blanket, Texas. The Rodeo will begin at 8:00p.m. each night. There will be a 70% payback and buckles for All-Around Cowboys and Cowgirls for each group. Age groups are 8 and under, 9-12,13-15, and 16-19. Dress code will be enforced!! Below is the list of events:

– Steer Riding

– Breakaway Roping

– Flags

– Barrels

– Goat Slapping

– Goat Tying

– Tie-Down Roping

– Junior Bulls

– Ribbon Roping

– Senior Bulls

– Poles


We are excited to announce the 2nd Annual “Green Out” 4-H Event to kick-off the 2011-12 Texas 4-H year!  To view a SPECIAL invite from Nolan Ryan, visit our websitehttp://texas4hfoundation.org/texas-4-h-alliances/rangers-baseball-green-out-4-h-event/.      The discounted tickets are on sale now for the 2011 Texas 4-H “GREEN OUT” event to kick off the 2011-12 4-H year with Major League Baseball’s club the Texas Rangers vs. Los Angeles Angels on August 27, 2011, at the Ballpark in Arlington. There is a Pre-Game Concert by MercyMe, presented by I Am Second. This will be a fun-filled day of family, friends, and fellowship for all to enjoy. Every ticket holder will receive a FREE one-of-a-kind GREEN OUT t-shirt sponsored by the Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Company which will include the Rangers, 4-H, and Texas Farm Bureau Insurance logos. To receive your green out t-shirts, tickets must be purchased by August 12, 2010. T-shirts will be available in Youth sizes Medium and Large, Adult Sizes S – XXL.  If larger than XXL is needed, let us know and we can verify availability.

Every County and 4-H club has the opportunity to sell GREEN OUT tickets as a fundraiser for their County 4-H program. Prizes will be awarded for the member, club or county 4-H that sales the most tickets. The Texas Rangers organization has been gracious enough to not only give us a discounted ticket rate, but are giving $3.00* for every ticket purchased to the County 4-H program that sells tickets. The more tickets you sell, the more money you can make for your County 4-H! Attached you will find the order form or you can download more information at the website.



August 4-6 – Elm Grove Jr. Rodeo

August 12-13 – Best of Texas Finals, Mullin

August 19-20 – Brown Co. 4-H Jr. Rodeo, Blanket Rodeo Arena