4H_LogoBrown County 4-H is supported by the Brown County United Way.


April 23 – Livestock Judging Meeting 5:30p.m. at the Extension Office

28 – District Rifle Contest Marble Falls, Texas

30 – District 7 Round Up Meeting 5:30p.m. at the Extension Office

May    1 – Deadline for Horse Validation

7 – State 4-H Round Up Meeting 6:00p.m. at the Extension Office

15 – Record Book Training 6:30p.m. at the Extension Office


Beginning with this year’s Horse Validation Program the process will now be all electronically completed using the 4-H CONNECT online management system. ALL 4-H members who wish to show a district or the state 4-H Horse Show(s) will be required to validate their horse(s) on the 4-H CONNECT system.


Have a family and youth member profile established on 4-H CONNECT

Be a paid/active youth member of Texas 4-H for the 2011-2012 year.

Have digital photos of your horse(s) from the front, left side, and right side. These photos must be accessible   for upload during the validation process.

For registered horses, you need to have a pdf copy of your horse(s) registration papers for upload.

VALIDATION WILL BE OPEN FROM APRIL 1, 2012 TO MAY 1, 2012. Any horse validated before or after this date will not be accepted as a legitimate validated animal.

An illustrated step-by-step instruction guide for families is available for download and reference from both the Texas 4-H website and the Texas AgriLife Extension Animal Science – Horse Section website.

Validation cost for each horse will be $10.00. Each 4-H family validating a horse(s) will need to print an invoice for each horse and provide the invoice(s) and check to the County Extension Office. The County Extension Office will prepare ONE consolidated Club/County check, and mail it to the Texas 4-H Foundation. INDIVIDUAL, PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT THE 4-H FOUNDATION OFFICE. The ONLY payment accepted at the Texas 4-H Foundation for horse validation will be a Club/County check.

There is no limit to the number of horses that can be validated in the process.

Ownership requirements are still the same as in the past.

In the past there was a Grade Horse worksheet that included the need for sketching markings and colors of horses. That form is no longer required, however, it is a requirement for ALL horses that photos of the front, left side, and right side are uploaded during the validation entry process. The entire horse MUST be in the photograph. Photos should be as close as possible and markings should be clearly visible. The photo should be in jpg or gif format.

A pdf or jpg of the registration papers will be uploaded for registered horses. If you do not have capabilities with scanning papers, contact your county Extension Office to see if they can assist or direct you in scanning the papers.

Please contact the Extension Office if you will be validating a horse for this year. If you need assistance with the validation process please feel free to contact the Extension Office. PLEASE NOTIFY THE EXTENSION OFFICE IF YOU HAVE OR WILL BE VALIDATING A HORSE BEFORE MAY 1ST!


There will be a Livestock Judging meeting on April 23rd 5:30p.m. at the Extension Office. There will be a meeting over the upcoming fundraiser and then a practice right after the meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Extension Office.


If you are in 4-H and planning on participating at the State Fair in Dallas with swine you will need to purchase a tag. The deadline to order swine tags is April 27th. Contact the Extension Office if you are needing to purchase a tag for the State Fair.


There is a new system and new forms for the 2011-12 record books so to get everyone familiar with the new requirements four (4) recordbook trainings have been scheduled in May. The new recordbook forms and the online system can be found at: http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/youth_recordbooks.  Below is a list of the four record book trainings and their locations:

Tuesday, May 15th   6:30 pm

Brownwood   Brown Extension office

605 Fisk Ave

Brownwood, TX 76801-2840

RSVP To Nick by May 11th


Thursday, May 17th   6:30 pm

Brady   McCulloch Extension office

114 W Main St

Brady, TX 76825-4527

RSVP due to Charla by May 16th at


Tuesday, May 22nd   6:30 pm

Sweetwater   Nolan Extension office

100 E 3rd St., Suite 305

Sweetwater, TX 79556-4572

RSVP due to Charla by May 21st at


Thursday, May 24th   6:30 pm

Ballinger   Runnels Extension office

608 Sealy Ave., Suite A

Ballinger, TX 76821-5711

RSVP due to Charla by May 23th at



The May Day Classic Boer Goat Show is set for May 5TH and 6th. The show will be held at the Brown County Youth Fair Barns. All goats must be registered with the ABGA. Proceeds from this show will go toward scholarships for students at Brown and Erath County who show boer goats at their county fair. If you would like more information please contact Kelly Edwards at 254-434-7719 or Amanda Smith at 325-200-8909.


The Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassador program strives to provide high school aged 4-H members the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills related to mentoring other youth, and to become advocates for animal agriculture.


– Prepare youth to serve in leadership capacities in junior livestock programs across Texas.

– Prepare youth for the experience of the University setting, through intensive science based     instruction and experiences.

–  Prepare and provide opportunities for youth to serve in advocacy roles for animal agriculture,

4-H, and junior livestock programs.

– Develop a heightened awareness of career opportunities in animal agriculture and advocacy.

Selection Criteria

– Senior aged (14-18) 4-H youth that have exhibited a superior level of ambition regarding their     livestock projects

– Students with a profound interest in animal science and animal production

– Students have shown advanced leadership qualities and a willingness to help others

– County Extension Agent approval

– Top 25% class rank

If you are interested in the Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassador Program come by the Extension Office for an application. You can apply for the Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassador Program through Texas Tech or Texas A&M University.  The Texas A&M Livestock Ambassador Short Course is July 16-19, 2012 and the Texas Tech Livestock Ambassador Short Course is July 23-25, 2012. The deadline to apply for the Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassador Short Course is June 22, 2012.


Texas 4-H Congress is a four day mock legislative experience for 4-H members ages 15 (at the time of the event) to 18. During this time, the 4-H members assume the roles of senators, representatives, lobbyists, press corps, and special interest groups to gain a first hand understanding of how the legislative process works. Bills that are written and sponsored by 4-H members focus on issues concerning Texas and Texas youth. These bills are assigned to the appropriate committee and then debated in committee meetings and then on the floor of the House or Senate. If a bill is successful in negotiation and the legislative debate in all three stages, it is

delivered to the Governor of Texas 4-H Congress for his or her signature or veto. Copies of all the bills that are signed into law during Texas 4-H Congress are provided to the Office of Governor Rick Perry for his review.

Texas 4-H Congress is a premiere leadership program that is co-planned and

co-implemented by the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Office and the Texas 4-H Council. The Texas 4-H Council, which consists of elected delegates from each district within the state assume many of the leadership responsibilities.

The 2012 Texas 4-H Congress will be held in Austin. The headquarters for Texas 4-H Congress will be at the Sheraton Hotel. The dates for the 2012 Texas 4-H Congress is July 15-18, 2012. The cost for Texas 4-H Congress is $340. The deadline to turn in the form is May 4th. If you would like more information please contact the Extension Office.


A two day golf experience for youth ages 11-18. There will be workshops, golf professional clinic, evening social, and a 18 hold Golf Challenge. The West Region Golf Challenge will be July 23-24, 2012 in Sonora, Texas at the Sonora Golf Club. Registration is on 4-H Connect and the registration opens on May 1st and ends on July 9, 2012. If you are interested in participating or have any questions please contact the Extension Office.


Texas 4-H Center Youth Programs will provide your child with the chance to develop character, learn valuable life skills, make new friends, and discover new interests. Finding the right camp for your child is as important as helping them find the right college! Annually, five or more sessions are offered each summer for youth ages 9 (or completed 2nd grade) to age 18, 4-H membership is NOT required for most camps.  All camp registrations are made through the Texas 4-H Center website, texas4hcenter.tamu.edu. The 4-H Center is accredited by American Camp Association. Listed below is the different camps that will be offered this summer at the Texas 4-H Center:

– Horizons, Grades 4-8, July 3, 2p.m. – July 7, 10:30a.m., cost is $275

– County Camp 1, July 9, 2p.m.- July 11, 11a.m., cost is $175

– Camp Corral, July 15, 2p.m. – July 20, 2p.m., Military Youth Only

– Mission Possible Mentor Training, July 22, 2p.m. – July 23, 11a.m., cost is $80

– Mission Possible, July 23, 2p.m. – July 25, 3p.m., cost is $175

– Prime Time I Grades 5-8, July 22, 2p.m. – July 25, 10a.m., cost is $225

– Prime Time II Grades 2-5, July 25, 2p.m. – July 28, 10a.m., cost is $225


Brown County 4-H will be participating in County Camp I, you must be registered on the Texas 4-H Center website by June 14th if you are planning on participating in County Camp I. If you are going to attend County Camp I please notify the Extension Office.


Hey 4-Hers! This year’s Leadership Lab will be at T BAR M Resort and Conference Center in New Braunfels, Texas on June 26-28. All 4-Hers are welcome to attend. Registration will be on 4-H Connect from May 15th to the 31st, and there will not be a late registration so don’t forget.

The cost for attendance will be $235 per youth. This expense will cover dinner on the 26th, all meals on the 27th, and breakfast and lunch on the 28th. This cost will also cover your room and admission to Schlitterbahn Water Park on the 28th.  If you would like more information please contact the Extension Office.


Texas AgriLife Extension Service-Erath County and the Erath Lamb and Goat 4-H Club will be hosting a lamb and goat feeding and showmanship camp on June 22-24, 2012 at the Tarleton State University College Farm.

Registration is $100.00 per exhibitor and $50.00 per adult. Adult supervision is required.  Registration is open to exhibitors that will be enrolled in the 4-H or FFA program for 2012-2013 year.  Registration is limited to the first 50 lamb and 50 goat exhibitors. Forms can also be downloaded http://erath.agrilife.org


The 2012 Howard College Goat Showmanship Camp is set for June 3, 4, & 5, 2012 and the Lamb Showmanship Camp is set for June 10, 11, & 12, 2012. The charge for the camp is $85.00 per person which includes four meals and a camp tee shirt or cap. Add $20 per goat or lamb provided by Howard College. If possible bring your own goat or lamb for demonstration purposes. Participants must be at least 9 years old or entering the 3rd grade. If you want more information on these camps please contact the Extension Office.


Brown County EE offers a scholarship opportunity to a graduating senior from high school. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship you can come by the Extension Office and pick up an application. The deadline to apply is May 1st. If you would like more information contact the Extension Office.


On June 17-21, 2012, the Statewide Texas 4-H Calf Roping and Break-A-Way School will be held in Stephenville, Texas.  The school will be held at the Tarleton State University Equine Arena. This event encourages young people in 4-H to develop leadership ability and to exercise their abilities in working with younger members in roping activities. Participation is open to all districts of the state, with applications being accepted on a first-come, first- serve basis with first priority to those boys and girls who are 12 years of age and older.

The cost for the school is $380.00. This will include group insurance, meals, lodging, stall rent for one horse and will cover the cost of practice calves used in the teaching process.  Most meals will be taken in the Tarleton State University Dining Hall.  All students will be housed at the University Dormitories.  Students will not be allowed to stay elsewhere. If you would like more information on the Texas 4-H Roping School contact the Extension Office.


May 4 & 5       Blanket Jr. FFA Rodeo

May 11 & 12   May Jr. Rodeo / Gatesville Jr. Rodeo (?)

May 18 & 19   Comanche Jr. Rodeo

May 25 & 26  Gustine Junior Rodeo

May 27th       Gustine Open Rodeo 3d barrels/ladies breakaway/ribbon roping/tie down/bull riding

June 1 & 2     Mullin Jr. FFA Rodeo

June 8 & 9     Goldthwaite Jr. Rodeo

July 19, 20,  21   Lometa FFA Jr. Rodeo

August 10 & 11   Best of Texas Youth Blow-Out


August 1st started the enrollment process for the 2011-2012 4-H year in Texas. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member. If you are wanting to become an adult leader or volunteer we encourage you to enroll for the 2011-2012 year. There is no cost for adult leaders or adult volunteers. As you enroll in 4-H for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:

If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!

If you lost your email and password  call the county office we can tell you your e-mail address and reset your password!

To be an official 4-H member in Texas 4-H you must have an ACTIVE profile in 4-H CONNECT!

An active membership will not be granted until the $25.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H   Connect!

You cannot register for an event until your profile is ACTIVE.

When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2011-2012 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll!

Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners’ Courts of Texas Cooperating