
4 – Mandatory Horse Practice 2:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns

5 – Adult Leader Meeting 6:45p.m. at Extension Office

13 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Extension Office

13 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:15p.m. at Early First Baptist Church

17 – Brown County 4-H Project Show

18 – Mandatory Horse Practice 2:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns

19 – Brown County 4-H Community Service Project Turkey Boxes 10:00a.m. at the Extension Office

20 – Rabbit Club Meeting 7:00p.m. at Extension Office

20 – Consumer Decision Making Practice 5:00p.m. at Extension Office



The Brown County 4-H Project Show is set for December 17th at the Youth Fair Barns.

The show will begin at 8:00a.m.and the entry fee will be $5 per animal. There will also be a jackpot showmanship that you can enter the day of the show. Something new this year show is a Parent Showmanship! That is right, if a youth pays for an adult to show their animal than the parent will show the youths animal! The cost is $5 per entry. The schedule will be posted as soon as it becomes available.


Brown County 4-H has clippers, blowers, scales, and blocking tables that are available to 4-H members to check out for use to help prepare your animal for show. If you have or will be planning on checking out equipment please make sure it is brought back to the Extension Office in a timely manner and in the condition you checked it out in. If you have equipment that you checked out from last show season please return it as soon as possible. We are taking inventory and preparing equipment for this show season.


This is a scholarship to be awarded to deserving and qualifying individuals that participate in the Breeding Goat show at the Brown County Youth Fair. The scholarship will be awarded based on a points system as follows:

Questions: Participants must answer the following questions: (worth 40 points) due December 15th.

1.  Where did you purchase your goat? Or did you raise it yourself? When was your goat born?

2.  What do you feed your goats?

3.  What kind of goat health maintenance have you done? (Example: worming, vaccinations, exercise.)

4.  Does your goat meet ABGA (American Boer Goat Association) breed standards? It is preferred that your project goat meets these breed standards to assure that if the participants wishes, they can show this animal at a major stock shows or ABGA shows. You can find these standards on www.abga.org.

5.  How would receiving this scholarship assist you with your goals as a goat breeder and what is your goal in the goat industry.

Show Placing – points will be awarded as follows:

1st place:  10 points

2nd place:  5 points

3rd place:  2.5 points

Grand Champion:  40 points

Reserve Champion:   30 points

Showmanship:   1st place 10 points

2nd place 5 points

Scholarship Amounts:   1st place: $750.00

2nd place:  $500.00

3rd place:  $200.00


The Annual Community Service project is making 25 Turkey Boxes to be donated to the Family Service Center so that 25 families who are not able to afford a Christmas dinner will be able to because of Brown County 4-H. This year we will be doing the boxes a little different. Instead of each club being responsible for one item to collect to put into the boxes, we are asking that each club put at least one box together. We would like to see each club put more boxes together if possible. We will be taking the boxes to the Family Service Center on December 19th. Call the Extension Office and let us know how many boxes your club will be putting together. Below is a list of the items that will need to be put into the boxes.

  • Gravy
  • Stuffing
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Corn
  • Corn Bread Mix
  • Instant Potatoes
  • Brownie Mix
  • Green Beans

* If you would like contribute any of these items you may bring them by the Extension Office before December 19th.


Record Books for this coming year are in a new format. We will be offering a County Record Book training to go over the new criteria. We will also be offering a County Scholarship training. If you are interested in participating please contact the Extension Office and a date will be set at a later time.


August 1st started the enrollment process for the 2011-2012 4-H year in Texas. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll before October 15th in order to take advantage of the $20.00 participation fee. If you wait till November 1st enrollment fee will be $25.00. As you enroll in 4-H for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:

  • If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
  • If you lost your email and password – call your county office they can tell you your e-mail address and reset your password!
  • To be an official 4-H member in Texas 4-H you must have an ACTIVE profile in 4-H CONNECT!
  • An active membership will not be granted until participation fee is paid
  • You cannot register for an event until your profile is ACTIVE.

When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2011-2012 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll!

Brown County 4-H is supported by the Brown County United Way.