7 – Deadline to Enter Ft. Worth Stock Show
7 – County Officer Training 6:00p.m. at Extension Office
8 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office
8 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:15p.m. at Early First Baptist Church
10 – Brookesmith 4-H Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. at School Cafeteria
11 – Extension Office Closed for Veterans Day
12 – Swine Validation 8:00a.m.-10:00a.m. at Youth Fair Barns
13 – May 4-H Club Meeting 4:00p.m. at May Methodist Church (Youth Fair Sign Up Meeting.)
14 – Major Stock Show Entry Night 5:00p.m. – 7:00p.m.
15 – Rabbit Project Club Meeting 7:00p.m. at Home Economics Building (Bring Rabbit and a piece of carpet)
17 – Blanket 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Blanket FFA Ag Classroom
18 – Deadline to Enter All Major Stock Shows excluding Ft. Worth
It is that time to start getting ready for the Brown County Youth Fair and Major Stock Shows. The most important step in doing this is validating your animals. Swine validation is
Nov. 12th 8:00a.m. – 10:00a.m. at the Brown County Youth Fair Barns. There will not be a county validation make up day! If you are planning on participating in the Brown County Youth Fair you need to make sure your animal is present the day of validation!! If you ordered state tags and have not paid for them please come by the Extension Office ASAP!! YOU MUST BE ENROLLED IN 4-H BEFORE THE DATE OF VALIDATION!!!
The Brown County Youth Fair is approaching fast. Everyone should have your animals if you are planning on entering in the Livestock Division of the Youth Fair. There are a few other things that have to be done in order to participate in the Brown County Youth Fair. Below is a check list for you to go by to make sure you are covered.
- Enroll in 4-H
- Attend Validation (have your animal validated for county or state)
- Purchase a Youth Fair Membership (this is mandatory if you are entering livestock or home economics )
- Fill out a entry form for the Brown County Youth Fair ( Deadline to enter is Dec. 1st)
** If you are showing horses you and your horse must attend one of the two mandatory practices on Dec 4th or Dec 18th 2:00 p.m. at the Youth Fair Barns Show Arena. You will also need to have the proof of ownership Papers or bill of sale, registration papers or 4-H certification form. All horses must have negative EIA test documentation.
Every year we have two nights in November that we designate for families who are wanting to enter into the major stock shows. The only way you can enter into the major stock shows is if you bought state tags. The two nights we are having the stock show sign up is Nov.1st and Nov. 14th from 5p.m. – 7p.m. If you are planning on entering Ft. Worth you will need to attend the night of Nov. 1st because the deadline to enter Ft. Worth Stock Show is Nov. 7th. The deadline to enter Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and San Angelo Stock Show is Nov. 18th. You will also have the opportunity to enter the Brown County Youth Fair at this time. If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office.
Brown County 4-H has clippers, blowers, scales, and blocking tables that are available to 4-H members to check out for use to help prepare your animal for show. If you have or will be planning on checking out equipment please make sure it is brought back to the Extension Office in a timely manner and in the condition you checked it out in. If you have equipment that you checked out from last show season please return it as soon as possible. We are taking inventory and preparing equipment for this show season.
The Annual Community Service project is making 25 Turkey Boxes to be donated to the Family Service Center so that 25 families who are not able to afford a Christmas dinner will be able to because of Brown County 4-H. This year we will be doing the boxes a little different. Instead of each club being responsible for one item to collect to put into the boxes, we are asking that each club put at least one box together. We would like to see each club put more boxes together if possible. We will be taking the boxes to the Family Service Center on December 19th. Call the Extension Office and let us know how many boxes your club will be putting together. Below is a list of the items that will need to be put into the boxes.
– Gravy
– Stuffing
– Sweet Potatoes
– Cranberry Sauce
– Corn
– Corn Bread Mix
– Instant Potatoes
– Brownie Mix
– Green Beans
* If you would like contribute any of these items you may bring them by the Extension Office before December 19th.
Record Books for this coming year are in a new format. We will be offering a County Record Book training to go over the new criteria. If you are interested in participating please contact the Extension Office and a date will be set at a later time.
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo January 13 – February 4, 2012
- Purchase certificate value of $500
- Certificates used to purchase a breeding beef or dairy heifer
- All applicants must be 14, 15, 16, or 17 years of age as of January 1, 2011 and not beyond their junior year of high school.
- Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. After all the positions have been filled, the remaining applications will be kept on file and used on an as needed basis. Each County 4-H Program is limited to a maximum of six entries.
- Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo February 28 March 18, 2012
- Purchase certificate value of $1,500
- Certificates used to purchase a breeding beef or dairy heifer or market steer
- Must show the animal in the 2013 Houston Livestock Show
- Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. After all the positions have been filled, the remaining applications will be kept on file and used on an as needed basis.
Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo March 9-24, 2012
- New format for 2012: Ultimate Scramble Championship, one day event, Saturday March 17, 2012
- Purchase certificate value of at least $1000 while others could be awarded $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, or $5,000
- Certificates used to purchase market steer, market lamb, market goat, market barrow, breeding heifer, or breeding goat.
- Must show the animal in the 2013 Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo.
- Entry fee is $25.
- 112 scramble spots first come first serve
San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo February 11-26, 2012
- Limited to first 60 entries
- 20 students compete in 3 separate scrambles
- Purchase certificates will be paid to top 10 contestants those three performances
- FINALS: Top 12 Contestants come back!
- Top 5 in Finals receive scholarships
- Places 6-12 receive additional $200 purchase certificate.
- Must be 13 years of age but no older than 19 by February 1, 2011
If you are interested in participating at any of the calf scrambles, all forms are due to the Extension Office by November 9th.
August 1st started the enrollment process for the 2011-2012 4-H year in Texas. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll before October 15th in order to take advantage of the $20.00 participation fee. If you wait till November 1st enrollment fee will be $25.00. As you enroll in 4-H for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
If you lost your email and password – call your county office they can tell you your e-mail address and reset your password!
To be an official 4-H member in Texas 4-H you must have an ACTIVE profile in 4-H CONNECT!
An active membership will not be granted until participation fee is paid
You cannot register for an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2011-2012 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll!
Brown County 4-H is Supported By the Brown County United Way